Wireless Network Penetration Testing

Providing the cybersecurity assurances you need when it comes to your onsite wireless networks

Why test your wireless network?

Organisations will often operate several distinct Wi-Fi networks from a single site. A typical setup may include a staff network, a guest network and potentially a dedicated network for connected IoT devices such as printers.

The primary risk relating to Wi-Fi networks is that a compromised network may be used as an initial foothold from which to attack the rest of the organisation. Certain Wi-Fi attacks can also be used to steal user credentials.

While Wi-Fi attacks require physical proximity to the target, this is typically not a barrier for a dedicated attacker. This is because Wi-Fi signals often extend beyond the physical perimeter of a site and specialist equipment can provide attackers with a much greater signal range.

Wireless network security - what we review

Our wireless testing is delivered onsite and is tailored to your exact requirement. Pentest consultants can evaluate the following areas of your network security:

Rogue access points

Insecure router configuration

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) weaknesses

Insecure wireless encryption

Improper network segregation

Susceptibility to wireless attacks such as Evil Twin attacks

Wireless network penetration testing process

Every wireless network penetration test goes through a rigorous process to ensure you get the best possible results. Below we outline the key stages our testing goes through:

1. Understanding your test requirements

No two organisations are the same. We work with you to gain an in-depth knowledge of your needs and a detailed understanding of the environment under investigation, before putting forward a bespoke proposal of work.

2. Expert led, manual testing

Our wireless testing service is conducted manually by our expert cybersecurity consultants and is designed to fully challenge your cybersecurity measures. All our consultants are directly employed by us, meaning we ensure the highest quality of service.

3. Reporting, tailored to your needs

Reporting isn’t just a piece of paper, it’s a process. Our reporting process can be tailored to suit your needs, providing you with timely, relevant, and detailed information, not just on our findings but also our expert remediation advice.

4. Post-test support & documentation

Our job doesn't finish on the delivery of a test report. We make our security consultants available after the test to provide remediation support and can provide fix checks, as well as additional documentation where necessary.

Like the sound of our approach?

You can find out more about our test process and why it sets us apart.

Book your wireless network penetration test today

Our team are on hand to provide you with all the information you need regarding our wireless network penetration testing service. Please fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch shortly.